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Ionic Colloidal NanoParticle-Silver Electrolyte

Due to serious virus issues circulating around the world, and adamant demand, we have brought this product back!

There are two major problems with Colloidal Silver products:

1. They are made with purified tap water

2. They are made with silver colloids that bind together.

We have created a product that has mastered both of those issues. By combining 95% ionic and 5% silver colloids in Tourmaline Spring water our colloidal silver product is unlike anything that can be produced anywhere in the world.

This silver product is so naturally pure and effective that it can be used internally and externally (as a spray).

The anti-viral, anti-fungal immune boosting effects of ionic silver are well known through the natural health community. Combined with Tourmaline Spring water the synergistic effects are amplified. 


Due to Free Shipping the Hemp Drink Drops have to be ordered separately from cases of spring water.
