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CBD Drink Drops 300 - (Retail Price Just Lowered)!

We've formulated whole plant extracts, suspended in our pristine gem-grade spring water that are more powerful & bioavailable than any hemp oil on the market. They allow for far greater absorption than hemp oil products, and part of that is because we are water-based beings, not oil-based. That's why we are regularly told that our 600mg tincture is way stronger than the 1500 - 2000mg oils they used previously.  These full spectrum, organic hemp blends are made with food-grade emulsifiers — no chemicals. These products are sourced from the highest-quality water-soluble hemp in the state of Maine.

Made in small batches in Maine and always third-party tested, free of impurities.

What is CBD?

In case you didn’t know, CBD, or Cannabinol, is a cannabinoid within the cannabis plant. This incredible compound is believed to have the ability to provide wellness attributes that benefit the body, mind, and soul.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system within our bodies. In simple terms, the endocannabinoid system is a network of cannabinoids naturally produced by us within our bodies.

Within this intricate system that we all have, CBD is able to bond inside of our bodies, enhancing our own endocannabinoid system. This allows our bodies to work more optimally, promoting full body health and wellness.

Experience the Wellness Benefits of CBD:

  • Improves sleep
  • Anti-stress support
  • Promotes alertness, clear thinking, relaxation, and enhanced mood
  • Can help with pain, discomfort, and inflammation
  • May reduce acne or skin inflammation
  • May enhance performance and recovery from exercise

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Due to Free Shipping the Hemp Drink Drops have to be ordered separately from cases of spring water.



"All I can say is that I'm honestly shocked. After 50 years of taking pharmaceuticals, nothing has ever brought relief this fast." Kenny E., Tourmaline Spring Drink Drops Customer

 "I suffer from many chronic challenges, from a very aggressive autoimmune disorder (to which I lost my colon) to fibromyalgia, anxiety, and high blood pressure. Since using the Hemp Drink Drops, I noticed a marked pain relief and a calmer spirit. I sleep better at night.I used it after my daughter's second seizure and she did not have one after or since. I hope I am never without it." Izabela, Ontario

"This is my ninth day of taking the Hemp Drink Drops and it's my second day without almost any pain whatsoever. I'm beyond happy to continue taking them, and I’m going to let the company know that if this continues eliminating 90% of my pain after 50 years, I will be the poster boy." Kenny E, Statin Island, NY

"Omg! The Hemp Drink Drops are amazing!

I've been on the fence about trying any type of CBD oils, not knowing if they would really work. When I heard Tourmaline Springs was in the process of creating, not an oil, but a water-soluble Hemp formula with their sacred spring water I knew I had to take a leap of faith and try it out! I already love the spring water.

Well, this is what happened! I suffer from insomnia and the inability to stay asleep. Since using the drops, I have been able to get a restful nights sleep, without feeling like I've been hit by a bus in the morning. I struggle with depression and anxiety. I have noticed with using the drops my moods have been lifted and my stress levels are much more manageable than before. I am much more focused on my children and tasks at work. I am able to shut my brain off and keep my anxiety at bay. Which also has helped with sleeping!

Apparently, I have been living with constant back and joint pain that had become my norm. I only noticed this because I had two very busy days where I forgot to take the CBD Drink Drops in the morning, and by noontime, I was looking for Tylenol for relief from the pain I didn't know I had. I don't know if this is too much information, but when I was on my period I put the drops under my tongue and within a few minutes, my cramps and headache were completely gone. Not just dulled and tolerable like when taking Ibuprofen or Tylenol, they were GONE!

I am so happy I took this leap! I think I know why I hadn't tried any other CBD oil. I believe it was the universe telling me to wait and try Tourmaline Spring’s Drink Drops. I'm so happy with this product. I am hooked for life!" Becky J.

"I have been curious about CBD for a while now and I have been studying up about it and hearing great things. I don't have any serious health conditions, just some minor complaints. As a working mother of an active five-year-old, I get very little time for self-care. I have been experiencing things like mild joint pain, brain fog, anxiety, fatigue, and complaints related to menstrual periods, like cramps and low energy.

When I saw your product. I was impressed with the beautiful label and the info card detailing the special aspects of your formulation. Immediately, upon taking your tincture, I felt positive effects. I felt a lift in my energy and mood, clarity of mind and eventual relief from the pains in my joints. I have experienced my first period without Ibuprofen, probably ever!

I feel when I take this tincture that I am infused with really positive, benevolent plant energy, like a massage for my cells!" Maria

