Seth 00:00
This whole series has been phenomenal. We've had some amazing conversations, we've revealed some amazing information, amazing insight. We have expressed our passion and love for water as a whole, for the love of this invaluable, priceless source of water that Bryan has preserved, resurrected. And that we together have all just been breathing life into and keeping this thing going as a passion project, even though it's not paying any of our bills. But we want to talk a little bit now about this...I don't want to say it's a new trend, but it's a trend that's been around for a while, but it's something that's starting to gain a lot of momentum and recognition, mostly because of a person named Martin Reese. He's a German water sommelier. He's right now definitely the most famous in the world. But probably the guy at the forefront, between him and Michael Masha of, who have been big advocates and supporters of Tourmaline Spring and Summit Spring the whole time. And Martin is a really, really interesting guy, and you can type his name in, I'll tag him and all this, I'm sure he'll comment on it. But if you read, there's just article, after article, after video. He's been interviewed by everybody, from National Geographic to the smallest media outlets there are, but he was born, I guess, with the ability to taste the subtle distinctions that are in water, that have given him the power to be an authority, and a spokesperson for the different types of water, the different tastes of water, and how these waters, between him and Michael Masha, how all these different waters compare with foods. Much like wine, it's very similar to a wine sommelier, or any kind of connoisseur of a substance or element or product, or something like that. So we want to get into a little bit about them, because again, they've been major advocates and supporters of us. But what are some of the things that Martin Reese has said about our water and what we've done?
Bryan 02:40
Well they get it, you know, the two of them, they understand, they have from the beginning. They understand what natural springs are. They're experts. And it's nice to talk to somebody that understands instead of trying to convince somebody. They understand and they've gone way out of their way to promote us, as often as they possibly can. I mean, Tourmaline Spring, Martin Reese has mentioned is one of the premier waters in the United States, against waters, against the world. So don't take our word for it, take the experts' word for it as well. They understand. We're not selling anything they don't agree with.
Seth 03:14
Exactly. And you want to talk about people who know water from a very....Their entire life is this. And it's interesting, because there's so many different layers and levels to water, as we've been covering in this whole series, and so many different perspectives based on...A hydrogeologist is going to have a different perspective than a water chemist. A water sommelier is going to have a much different perspective of water than a health connoisseur, and all these different perspectives are valid and important and very interesting to cover. You know, the one thing I love about Martin Reese is he's fearless. I've seen this guy take so many punches from so many trolls online. And he just does it with such confidence, even to the degree - another thing I love that he does is he will literally tag and call out companies that are not in integrity, that are not in alignment. I mean, the biggest ones out there, he'll literally tag them in his social media posts, and call them right out on it, and say you guys are selling filtered tap water, and you're labelling it as, whatever you're labelling it as, come on. I love that, because some people might not agree with such a confrontational approach to water. But what it does, it's in confrontation, and it's in inciting this kind of stuff that awareness gets generated, that education gets produced and that it becomes something that people pay a lot more attention to.
Bryan 05:08
The biggest problem is constantly, is water is water. People just think water is water. That's our biggest problem. Nothing can be further from the truth, and it takes an expert like them to go, "No, no, no, no. Water is not water." But the vast majority of Americans don't think twice about it. I love the conspiracy theories about, you know, that the government is seeding the air with chemicals and all this stuff. And I'm like, "Wait a minute, why wouldn't they just do something crazy like put it in your water and have you drink it? And you don't think anything about it." They tell you it's in there, and you drink it anyway.
Seth 05:51
Oh, wait a minute. They are.
Bryan 05:52
They're not hiding it. What conspiracy theory? It's in plain view. They're putting all this crap in your water. You're drinking it every day, and you don't even question it. I mean, it kills me. All right, fluoride is just horrendous. You know, there's so much written about fluoride and what it does, and it goes back to Hitler. And I mean, it's incredible. Why would you put this stuff in water? I always say, what's next? Well, it's good for your teeth. Okay, great. So what's next? We put Pantene in the water, because it's good for my hair? I don't have to shampoo my hair, I'll just drink Pantene. This is like nonsense. The real scientific incidence of dental [inaudible] around the world. It doesn't bear out any of this nonsense. It's the old water versus water nonsense, and these sommeliers and experts help point out that that is not true. Not even remotely true. That's why there's all these different categories. Tap water, municipal water, well water, artesian well water, natural spring water, groundwater. They all have different categories
Seth 07:02
I love it. It's so imperative to understand, because - by the way, for everybody listening, there's a hashtag that you can use. It works really well on Instagram, but on Facebook as well, and it's hashtag 'water is not just water', and it's good if you want to type that in and look it up. You can see a lot of the companies and the advocates and environmentalists and people who are realizing that water is just not water. Water is not water. I mean, there is everything from the most polluted, toxic water that will kill you on the spot, to waters that are world-renowned in their potential healing effects, like Lourdes in France. Water is not just water people, water is the most misunderstood, most important topic of our time.
Bryan 08:02
Analogous substance.
Seth 08:04
It's so analogous
Bryan 08:06
Defies classification. And I can see renowned sources, historic sources like Lourdes or other places, Saratoga Springs, these places that have centuries old history of people swearing by them, and they have credibility. They got street cred, right? Yeah. Why would somebody like a [inaudible] machine? How did human beings survive before [inaudible] machines? Why would you swear my some machine like that's the only way we can have a good life is to zap the water with all kinds of electricity? I just don't get it, when there's beautiful natural sources. I always say to people, if that's true, if you think man's machinery trumps Mother Nature. Okay, I get it. TV dinners for everybody. No more home garden. No more grow your own food. That's all bullshit. No, that's nonsense, right? Yeah, we're all gonna just buy TV dinners because that man's machinery, and stuff they irradiate everything with, that's much better for us. Of course, that's crazy. So why would people advocate zapping your water and treating your water when you don't advocate the same thing for food? You want organic natural food. Why don't you want organic natural water? We would call this organic Tourmaline Spring, but we're forbidden by law. Otherwise we'd call it organic, because it is organic. But the government forbids water and salt from being classified organic, because they don't want food producers to boost the quantity of their organic...the makeup of it by counting the weight of the water and the salt. I checked into it, trust me. A $10,000 fine, we can't do it. Otherwise we'd call this organic water, because it is organic.
Seth 10:14
It's more organic than organic, really. I mean, it's the most organic thing there is. And here's the sad thing about what you just said, is that all these organic food producers out there are using agriculture. Okay, and I've been saying for a while your organic food is only as organic as the tap water that it's grown with. So nobody oversees this. Nobody looks at this.
Bryan 10:43
There's testing agencies that oversee this to make sure nobody's cheating.
Seth 10:47
Yeah, but I'm saying...So let's say a big quote, unquote 'certified organic agriculture producer' in California that is taking their finished product and then selling it to one of the companies in the natural foods industry, who then is making some other kind of good, healthy product with it, because water and salt are declassified, or unable to be classified or as organic, then the food is not ultimately tested for whatever was in that water. To me, that's sad. To me, that's something that is like...why?
Bryan 11:36
There's some producers that are using groundwater, but there's a lot of producers out West that are using the Colorado River and surface waters and all the contaminants that are in surface waters. So there's definitely a difference in quality, there. People aren't using natural spring water to grow crops. It's too valuable, too rare.
Seth 11:54
Yeah, it doesn't exist. So that's the thing. Whatever water is being used to grow these organic foods, what is that water? Where does it come from? And you know, one thing that can be guaranteed is that the water and its chemical makeup and whatever is or isn't in it, is going to be different at every single organic farm. There is. It's just going to be different.
Bryan 12:22
What are the numbers? I read somewhere that almost 90% of Americans get their water from a municipal supply, and almost 90% of those or more are all chlorinated and treated and fluoridated. I mean, there's a host of chemicals in there. The disinfection byproducts that result from chlorination. It's contact with organic materials, that's as bad as anything in there. People would research the Flint, Michigan issue, for example. If you think water is water, there was nothing thing wrong with either source, not the river and not the lake. Neither source of water was a problem. The problem was the infrastructure. And it's throughout America. It's like "It's the infrastructure, stupid." This stuff was built when Lincoln was president, and there's lead in these pipes. The mistake they made in Flint was there was a dramatic difference in the pH of the water in the river versus the pH of the water in the lake. And what they didn't do, was they didn't put enough anti corrosives - lye - They didn't adjust the pH enough, so that it wouldn't attack the pipes. Like every other municipality in the country, they add anti-corrosives and lye to change the pH so that the water won't attack the pipes. They can't let that happen, because water that's low in TDS, or water that's acidic is aggressive in some regards. So it started attacking the pipes, and it released the lead in the pipes into the water. And then guess what? The perfect mechanism for delivery of medicine or contaminants is water. So all these children, all these adults got this lead delivered to them in the perfect form. And once that process starts, it's irreversible. You can't stop the pipes from leaching anymore. They tried to recreate the biofilm, that protective biofilm that forms in it, they couldn't do it. They had to replace all the pipes. But people think, well, the river water was bad or the lake - no, neither source of water was bad, either one could be acceptable. It was a dramatic change in the pH that caused the leaching, and the breakdown of the biofilm and the leaching of the lead in the pipes. And this problem is not unique to Flint. This problem is ubiquitous in America, it's in Newark, it's everywhere. These these infrastructures underground, this piping is a real and present danger. And we're going to continue to have more and more problems with pipes qith this issue. Water is tested at the municipality, it is not tested in your home. Yes, it's up to you to do it, if you do it at all. And the reason that municipalities put chlorine in there instead of using ozonation, or some other better purification techniques that don't leave residual, is because they have to leave residual, because of the piping, because of the infrastructure. If they send perfectly pure water from the municipality, by the time it got to your house, it'd be poisoned because of all the contaminants that get in these pipes. So they have to leave a killing residual in the pipes all the way to your home to protect against the infrastructure, and that's why chlorine is used, because it continues to keep killing, but it also continues to release disinfection byproducts. And that's why you have all this chemicals in there, the anticorrosives. The real problem is the infrastructure.
Seth 16:13
I'm really glad you said that, because that is a very important point for everybody listening, in that whatever a municipality is doing to their water and whatever test they're posting publicly, that's still not the water that you're getting when you turn on your faucet. Because like he said, and we mentioned earlier, too, water is the universal solvent. Whatever substrate or carrier that it is travelling through, it is imbued with the properties of that substrate. So if that substrate is lead, if it's some old rusty metal, if it's some highly porous, soft, absorbable plastic, iron...the list goes on and on. Right? Whatever that is, that water is going to bring that right into your tap. And the water that you shower with. You know, you're in a hot shower, your pores are all opened up, you're absorbing water into your body. That water is not being tested, and the test results, not everywhere, but probably in most places, the municipality tests and the tests that somebody is going to get at their home, if they were to test it, are going to reflect two very different tests, even though it's the same water. Just because of the infrastructure. And look, the American American civil union of engineers or something, they're called, rated the United States' tap water infrastructure. They graded it with a D, and they were probably being liberal.
Bryan 17:58
It wasn't even D minus. I thought?
Seth 17:59
I might have been, it was the lowest grade without it being an F. They probably would have given it an F, but that would just create hysteria, it's pandemonium. So this is serious.
Bryan 18:18
If you source your water from the municipality where you live, you absolutely need a filter on your showerhead. It's just like Seth said. Chlorine and fluoride vaporise at room temperature. So you are breathing atomized, aerosolized chlorine and fluoride and they estimate you can actually get more chlorine exposure from transdermal absorption and breathing the chlorine vapours than you do from actually drinking chlorinated water. So think about what you're doing to yourself, every day of your life. You're breathing chlorinated water, and showering in it and absorbing it every day of your life, sometimes multiple times a day if you shower. So it's critical. We always say the water that you actually drink should be the purest natural spring water you can get your hands on, because you're bombarded with all these chemicals everywhere else. You're cooking with it. The food is absorbing this stuff. And we have a lot of customers that cook with our water, because their tap water is so bad they can't eat it with with potatoes and rice and other foods that absorb. They can't do it, because they absorb too much of the chemical contaminants.
Seth 19:35
And look, this segues back into why we love these water sommeliers, and this whole movement that they're creating, because essentially what they're doing is they are bringing the much needed and overdue passion that each of us and all of us collectively as a species should have for water and water quality, because water is not just water, and if we don't take a sincere interest in the water that we're drinking, that we're bathing in, that we're cooking in, that our food is grown in, then we are ignoring literally the second most fundamental component of our very own existence. So these guys - and please go to their websites, like them on Instagram and Facebook, follow all their stuff and get involved in the commentary and ask questions. Just really get involved and bring passion to it. Get passionate about water, learn to love water, because here's the thing, we need to really start putting value where value is deserved, and water is so undervalued. And until we start truly valuing water for the miraculous element that it is, then we're never going to really truly be able to address our personal health and the health of this planet. So anybody, like these guys out there, anybody who is out there on the frontlines pushing for greater education around water, for understanding water from a health perspective, understanding water from a conservationist perspective, primary water, that's a whole other thing we can get into, all these people who are looking at water from...I don't want use the word non-biased, but just from a rational perspective, because that's really actually all we're trying to achieve here. We are so deluded, it's like we're so polluted, our internal water systems of our being are so polluted with all these thoughts and beliefs and disinformation of things that we've been fed this propaganda, that we have lost the very common sense element that allows us to really harmonise with the water in our bodies and the water we put in our body. And it prevents us from seeking water that has true value, like Summit Spring.
Bryan 22:32
I just read the other day that we're gonna run out of fresh water on this earth long before we ever run out of fossil fuels. Remember, we were so worried about fossil fuels. Remember in the 70s when they were rationing fuel the gas stations on odd and even days, we're running out of fossil fuels. They're finding fossil fuel everywhere. We're running out of water at a much quicker pace. Trying to find fresh water, untainted, unpolluted water is becoming incredibly difficult,
Seth 23:01
You know the stats, right? Because obviously the planet, it's a water planet, there's the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, how much of that is actually potable? Most of it's locked in the icebergs. But I've seen a statistic -
Bryan 23:16
...numbers. Yeah. I think it's 1%. I think it's 1%, or something, of all the water on earth is actually accessible and drinkable. The vast majority is either salt water, or locked in the ice cap north and south. The amount of water available for all of humanity to live off of is a very small percentage. I forget the number now, but most of the freshwater is locked up, frozen.
Seth 23:48
And here's the thing, if people start valuing water, everything to do with water, it only needs to start with you valuing the type of water you put in your body. If you just start with that, the more that people start to value water like that, the more in tune they're going to become with nature. And the more in tune you get with nature, the more you strive to live your life in a way where you think about, "Okay, how can I live my life so that I'm consuming less of the things that I don't really need? And what kind of solutions can I contribute so that I'm creating a better, more healthy, natural world that the future generations are going to inherit?"
Bryan 24:40
Look at these kids in Flint, right? There is no safe level for lead. None. This damage that has been done to these children is permitted and progressive. They will need assistance their entire lives because of that poison that they drank, and nothing can be done. At this point, the damage is done. And so think about the damage of other things. Chlorine and fluoride, all these other things we don't even think about. If you want to think about health and wellness, you have to focus on water and the cleansing aspects of water. You're ignoring the most critical part, the building block of your health and wellness, if you don't think about the water.
Seth 25:29
Look, I just got to do a quick pause here, because I want people to see, because you don't see much of Bryan on here. You just see a shirt, because he's closer to the camera. But show them. You got to show what health and wellness looks like. Okay, he's in his 60s. He looks big. You can't really see his figure. He is all muscle. Okay, he is 61 years old. Right? 61. Sorry, if you don't mind me saying your age. This guy is so active, okay?
Bryan 26:02
It's not the years. It's the mileage that counts, and I'm low mileage.
Seth 26:08
That's exactly it. Look, when you drink water, okay, water is so important. When you are fully hydrated - because that's the one thing that Bryan and I are very adamant about. We are so blessed to have access to this. I drink at least a gallon, sometimes gallon and a half, every single day. You know, this guy drinks it right out of the source. We hydrate. When your body is just so fully hydrated, it almost doesn't matter what age you are, because whatever symptoms or afflictions or anything that have accumulated throughout the duration of your life that are result of dehydration, suddenly you're getting more energy in the form of water. That starts to trickle in and have a beneficial effect on your well being.
Byran 27:07
Here's a good thing for you. Think of this. I love this. When you drink any liquid that contains water, it is absorbed into your bloodstream, all of it. Right? We do not pass water. Right. The colon's final job is to remove all remaining water from your stool, so that you have solid stool, because diarrhoea can kill you. Diarrhoea will dehydrate you. We need the water. You don't want to pass on water. You take the nutrients from the food and you absorb all the water, but all that water goes into your bloodstream and must be filtered from your lymphatic system and your liver and your kidneys and then excreted. So everything that's in the water you drink...this goes back to the old days when you're a kid. Do you get drunk faster if you drink a mixed drink, or if you drink straight alcohol? And your body recognises straight alcohol as a poison, and tries to avoid it. If you drink a mixed drink with either soda or water, your body sees that and grabs it, and it takes the alcohol with it, and you actually get enebriated quicker with a mixed drink. It just goes to show you, if you're drinking water with contaminants, it isn't going through you, it's going into your body, all your bloodstream...
Seth 28:36
It's mind blowing that people...this is so important to get. And it ties into homoeopathy, too, because there's so many - aside from just the flesh, blood and bones that most people think they are, we all have very intricate systems that are at work in our bodies, that are way more intelligent than we are, and if we are not feeding these systems with the proper hydration...And another thing [inaudible] and I are going to get into in our other podcast, and even Bryan and I will talk about this stuff in the future, too. There's so much more to these elements of water, with structure, with the mineral content, structure properly in it. This is so important to how it's going to affect your entire being. The point I was gonna make is this, is that all these complex systems in our bodies that are way more intelligent than we are, need certain types of fuel to affect them in a certain way, like our whole bio electric system. And this is the whole thing of homoeopathy. If you look and research homoeopathy has been proven beyond a doubt that it works. Water very much has - tap water, especially as it's being filtered through all this infrastructure. Whatever substrate it's exposed to - is very much working in homoeopathic fashion. So you're not just getting the toxins and everything that's in the water and having it filtered into your body, but you're getting the signals of whatever those elements are signalling. The more subtle aspects of how these complex systems in your bodies work. This is important, very, very important stuff to understand. If you are striving to become the best version of yourself, or if you just want to feel better, you just want to get healthier, looking at water from this homoeopathic perspective, from this natural purity perspective, natural purity versus manmade purity. I mean, look, common sense is no longer so common, but lets make it common again. And let's do it through passion.
Byran 31:03
I always get frustrated, you know, it's like, don't blame yourself if you don't think much about water, because most of the doctors don't. The number of doctors, the number of regular MDs and hospitals that are serving to sick patients just garbage water, and have no comprehension. It's like, a hospital is not a place of wellness, it's a place of sickness. And in their defence, MD training is never really about wellness, but they're only starting to give these doctors more naturopathic exposure because of the [inaudible] and all that. It was always either Medicaid or cut. It's amazing that all these institutions that are supposed to get you healthy don't even address water. So few of them. It takes a naturopathic or a homoeopathic or [inaudible] or places like that to understand water's importance, to get to the bottom of it, because the places you think would know. What do they tell you to do, though? What is the first thing they tell you to do when you get sick? What is the first thing they always tell you to do? Drink more. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Right?
Seth 32:19
I was gonna say take pills?
Bryan 32:21
Well, no, they usually say, drink water. Drink plenty of water, drink water, drink water, drink plenty of water, water, water, water. They don't ever specify. But because it purifies you, it cleanses you. It removes toxins. So they want you to drink and be hydrated. They know that dehydration can be a sub-cause, a comorbidity of everything, right? So they want you to drink more water. They just don't focus on the quality of the water. We've just taken it...and neither do most Americans, and we just take for granted that it's safe to drink and in the short term, it's all probably very safe to drink compared to other places in the world. But what are the long term effects of a lifetime of consuming chemicals like chlorine and fluoride and on and on? It has to be detrimental. It has to be. Do you think that the air I breathe here in Maine, and I'm in a couple hundred acres of land, I always live amongst nature. There's 100,000 trees out here right now, and me, and nobody else. Do you think filtered air from New York is better than the air I'm breathing right here? I don't think so. There ain't a snowball's chance in hell, right? These remote areas like this, the purity of the air is incredible.
Seth 33:45
Excellent analogy. Ilove that. I never thought of that before. That's perfect.
Bryan 33:50
I mean, how is it not? You're going to tell me your filtered air from an apartment in New York City, with all the fumes coming up is better than this air here? You'll never make that argument stick, ever.
Seth 34:02
So you hear that, people? So applying that to water, that same analogy that he just made. Think about that in conjunction with your water. Oh, my God. Wow. Wow.
Byran 34:15
I mean, they always brag about, New York has good water. Well you know, it does have good water. You know why New York City has good water? Because they were smart enough, a long time ago, to steal all the water from the Adirondacks. All the water from New York City comes from the Adirondacks, upstate New York. They knew what was happening. So they do start with pretty good water. It's surface water, requires treatment, but it's pretty good water. But you still have the same infrastructure problem, right? A lot of those pipes are made out of wood under the city. But you know, a lot of cities didn't see this coming. Look at the water issues in Vegas. Like I said on TV that time, Las Vegas would not exist without the water they take from the Colorado River. It would not exist, that city would go away. If the Colorado runs dry, there's a lot of cities that are done. There's no other water around. The Colorado is one of the only rivers in the world that never reaches the ocean. We take all of it. By the time it gets to Mexico, there's nothing left.
Seth 35:22
It just shows how much people take water for granted. Like it's nothing Oh, water is just water. No recognition that your entire body is constructed of water, that it's the most essential element for the survival of all life, next to sunlight. Learn to love water. I mean, we really got to bring that level of interest into it. We're blessed.
Byran 35:49
We blessed here in Maine, because Maine is a geologic, water-making machine, mostly because of the White Mountains, the typical Jetstream flow from West to East, [inaudible] lifting over the mountains. Air rises and cools, vapour forms and falls as rain or snow onto Maine. But not only that, Maine is like one big aquifer. Because the glacial activity that was here ripped all the mountaintops off way back. Twice in its history, Maine has been covered by glaciers a mile thick, and then receded and came again. But it deposited all these sand and gravel deposits in these rivers and lake beds. So it's like one huge aquifer. So not only do we make a lot of water here, we store a lot of water. And that's why this is the land of water. It's just a situation, a congruence of good events that happens to be, and that's why people think of Maine when they think of phenomenal water. They don't think of Georgia or Ohio. Maine is to water as Saudi Arabia's oil.